Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Change of Perspective

What a weekend!! It was gorgeous and warm (in the 60's). Just what I needed!
Watched beautiful sunrises on both Saturday and Sunday. Oh yes, I have a puppy and she gets me up every morning before it's light outside.  I delude myself into thinking she wants to share them with me every morning, but I admit I will be happy when she sleeps a little longer.

Saturday morning I was watching "Fixer Upper" on HGTV. I've decided I really like that show. I like the couple, Chip and Joanna Gaines. They transform houses for into something someone will enjoy making their home. So, I started thinking about my own casa.  We've been here 10 years. As I've written earlier, I feel I've fallen out of love with this home.  I feel I need a change...a new perspective.  We've had the furniture in our living room well before we ever moved in and it's been in the exact same place since our first day in this house. 
So, I started moving our living room furniture, as I was watching "Fixer Upper".  They gave me the motivation I needed.  Hubby wasn't home so I did it...all by myself.  eek!!!
This is what it looked like before:

So our furniture is pretty big and heavy but I felt very strong to have moved it without my Hubby.  Not sure it we will keep it this way but it's nice for a change. Now I have to figure out where to put the second chair and a half, for now it's in another room.   


Now, it's raining again and very cold outside so our beautiful weather was very short lived. On another note, what room should I switch around next? Hmmm....
Have a great week!

 XoXo ~T

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Just Things...

First, if I could survive on raspberries alone, l would. I'm addicted!! Not sure how it happened but now I can't seem to get enough of those cute little berries. They're good for you with lots of antioxidants and the pups don't like them so I don't have to feel guilty noshing in front of them. Oh and if they are coated in dark chocolate, well...then I've died and gone to Heaven!! 

Second, Puppyville is very hard!! Sadie is doing well and progressing but let me tell you, it can become very discouraging.  I'm trying to learn patience, which has been hard for me. When you have an older dog, one who lets you know they need to go outside and can do this alone without running out of the yard, you have a gem!  Senior dogs lay around and enjoy doing just that ALL day long. Not puppies!!! They have to monitored and within arms length every minute of every day. She has to be taken out on a leash and stand there waiting for her to decide there's nothing more interesting then for her to do her business. With the weather we've been having I've had to bundle up before going out...hat, coat, gloves and boots, and do this many times a day. As much as it's been frustrating it's also been fulfilling.  She really has a sweet disposition and loves to snuggle and I love that.  Puppyhood will be over soon....well I hope so, atleast. Either way we will get through it together and that's an awesome feeling!

 Third, I'm really ready for some changes in our home.  We will be repainting our study and a bedroom soon and I can't wait.  I thought when we finished the upstairs I would feel complete and ready to sit back and enjoy this house before we sold it.  Now, I'm ready for more changes.  I also feel I have fallen out of love with our home and ready to move on to the next adventure.  I know I shouldn't feel this way because we built this home. Lots of blood, sweat and many tears were shed before we ever moved in and lots more since.  The plan was for this to be our last home, you know the one where you raise your children, the one you grow old and retire in. Well, life doesn't always work out the way you hoped or planned. So, we are hoping to get the house back on the market this Spring and try to sell. Until then, I will try to cherish every memory we make here, however long that may be.


XoXo ~T

Monday, February 2, 2015

More Cold Weather?

What? Punxsutawney Phil is saying 6 more weeks of winter, really? 
Groundhog Day, February 2nd every year, he comes out and sees his shadow.  How is that with no sun? I liked the movie with Andie McDowell and Chevy Chase but I really don't care for cold weather. I prefer flip flops and tank tops and would love to wear them year round.  Maybe one day, (sigh).

So, this was our view this evening.  Just beautiful. My Grandfather used to say, when the sky was pink at dusk, it meant it would be cold tomorrow.  I do believe he was right. It's supposed to be pretty chilly tomorrow, actually most of this week. 

I see lots of hot coco and warm fuzzy blankets in my future this week.
Have a great one, even if it's dreary and cold.  

XoXo ~T

Friday, January 23, 2015

Water that Grass

Happy Friday!

So, the other morning I was trudging along doing my usual routine of coffee, puppies, Facebook  Pinterest and Instagram when I saw this quote:

For some reason this resonated with me.  My husband travels for his work so he's gone a great deal of the year.  Through trial and error we have learned when he is home we make the most of that time.  We don't always get birthdays, holidays or even anniversaries together. So, the house may not get cleaned or the laundry may pile up but we are spending time watching movies, playing with our pups, going to dinner, traveling or just doing absolutely nothing...just trying to spend time together the best way we can.

Now don't get me wrong, it's not a princess fairy tale over here and everything is peachy all the time. Sometimes I really get very frustrated when he's home disrupting my schedule getting in my way,  not doing things "my way".   He knows it and we laugh about it... now. But that's what a marriage is all about, right? The good and the bad all whipped together?

So, I guess this quote means, to me, the grass is greener when we pay attention to it. Watch it. Spend the time to pull the weeds from it.  Water it. 

Have a great weekend!

XoXo ~T

Monday, January 19, 2015

Meet Sadie

Happy Monday!
I thought I would start out this week introducing the latest addition to our family.
Meet Sadie.  I know, she looks like a beagle but with a lift kit. We were told she's a Tree Walker Hound.  Now, I must say, when I told Mr. I was ready to start "looking" at getting another dog, I wasn't looking for A) a puppy or B) a hound. We visited our local SPCA and found her there with her brother, Olaf.  The last 2 pups from a litter of 4 and Mom just brought in a few days before. Just look how precious she is, just imagine how cute the other pups were??
Little did I know what I was getting myself into with this cute little hound.  We hadn't been in puppyville in a LONG time and forgotten most of what we knew.  We decided to give it a chance, I mean who could resist that face, right?? 

It's been 3 months and let me tell you, it's not been easy but it has been very rewarding.  She's in training, or rather I'm in training, with a professional and we are doing well.  We have our good days and our bad but I've learned patience and consistency are the keys to a happy dog and a sane owner.

Don't worry you will be seeing lots of her on here. She's just too precious not to post pictures!! 

XoXo ~ T

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Out of Touch

Man, I've really been out of touch. It has been a long time since I popped into this little spot, so I think it's time for a quick update... finally! There have been numerous times Mr. asked if I were still blogging and I'd say, well I'm hoping to get back soon, but never seemed to "get back".
I've have so much to catch up on. Despite not selling our home, 2014 seemed to fly by quicker then I wanted but filled with lots of great adventure. We are regrouping and hoping to put our home back on the market this Spring. Wish us luck!!!
So, I'm going to give this a chance.  I will try to catch up on 2014 and hopefully 2015 will be just as exciting.

XoXo ~T

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Life Lately

Man, what a busy, busy summer we've had so far.  I've been MIA for several reasons and hoping to get back to blogging on a regular basis soon.  
I've been very lucky to get to do some traveling with my Mr. He for work, me totally for pleasure, and I hope it's not over!! I've been to Florida, Charleston and Alexandria, VA and I enjoyed every minute!
I hope to get my pictures organized and blog about the little adventures I've been accumulating these past few months.
Until then....

XoXo ~T